1. How to memorize the address of portal website of Zhenhai, China.
The website address is www.zh.gov.cn. Zh is the abbreviation of phonetic letters of zhenhai in Chinese, gov is the first three letters of English words government in English, which is the uniform domain name of Chinese government websites.
2. How to use the search engines of the website.
The website has two search contents, which are the site search and the web search. For information of our website, you can first choose the category you want, then put in the key words of what you'd like to know, like "Ningbo" or "Zhenhai", then click the "site search", you will get the rapid-changing dynamic information on our website.
For information of other related websites, you may put in the key words, like "Ningbo" or "Zhenhai" of what you want, than click the "web search". You'll get the information from the website of Ningbo city government and other subordinate websites.
3. How to adjust the word size when browsing the web pages?
When browsing the dynamic web pages, the menu will offer you three choices, big, medium and small from which you may choose one you want.
4. What can you do when sometimes the web pages don't display fully?
Two reasons may lead to this. One is the website browser edition. The best browser for our website is IE 6.0. If the edition of the browser installed in your computer is inferior than 6.0, you're recommended to download and install IE6.0 and the display will be ok after the installation.
The other is the browser's setting of interception protection. If you installed the web page interception protection in your computer system, you need to close up the function of "intercepting Flash advertisement".
5. What can you do when you can't open the web pages?
If you get connected through the LAN, the bandwidth limit of LAN to the outside net as well as the requested time out error will lead to that
If you get connected through the Dial-up Internet access, the connection bandwidth will lead to that.
Don't feel strange about the problems, sometimes you just refresh the web pages or choose to surf the netsome time later.
6. about the website safety.
When browsing our website, for your information security and convenient use, you're recommended to observe the flowing rules.
(1) try to avoid logging on the office system in the public places like net cafes.
(2) make sure to close the browser when leaving no matter where you surf the net and log on the information system
7. Why can't you open some web pages when clicking the links in our website?
Some parts of the website are displayed in pop-up windows, but if you install the surfing assistants in your computer may lead the problem of searching in vain.
8. What's the best differentiating rate advised when browsing the website?
The rate is advised to be 1024X768
9. Why do the web page flashes display abnormally sometimes?
If you can't browse the flashes, maybe because the edition of your flash plug-in is low-graded, please download the new flash plug-in.
10. Why can't you play the videos in the online interview?
(1) maybe for your slow net speed, please wait patiently
(2) please make sure that the player in your system is of the latest edition. If not, please download the more advanced player.