• Natural Resources
    The flood control work in our district has been done well in an all-round way with neither mountain ponds and reservoirs nor inland rivers exceeding the warning water level
    Source:www.zhxww.net     Date:2022-06-15

    Since Ningbo entered the rainy season on June 10, it has been raining every day. According to the data provided by the meteorological department, the area rainfall in the whole district has been 44.4mm since the beginning of the rainy season, with the maximum being 56.6mm in the Tiangu Village, Jiulonghu Town, and it's 39.8mm in the Zhenhai National Station.

    From April 16 to June 7, during the flood season, the total drainage of the four offshore sluice gates in our district reached 46.8262 million cubic meters, and the total drainage times added up to 49 times. At present, the total storage capacity of the five small and medium-sized reservoirs in the Zhenhai District is 22.046 million cubic meters, and the water level of the reservoirs is below the flood limit level. Since the flood season, the reservoirs have discharged a total of 4.85 million cubic meters of water. Each mountain pond and reservoir has carried out daily inspections of the reservoir dam body, dam foundation, dam abutment, various flood discharge and water conveyance facilities according to the regulations. Among them, medium-sized reservoirs have been inspected once every two days, and small reservoirs have been inspected once a day, while mountain ponds have been inspected once every three days, and once more after a rainstorm.

    At present, during the flood season, the control water level of inland rivers in our district is 1.01m-1.16m, and the river water level is maintained at about 1.1m.